Regardless of where you live, your home needs to be protected from storms. However, if you live in a location that is likely to be subjected to hurricanes and tropical storms, you will want to make sure that you follow all the procedures necessary to receive insurance money following a natural disaster. This often includes having impact windows installed as a preventative measure. Here are a few things that you will want to know about impact windows, prior to installation.
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When you spend money on certain home improvements, your cost can be offset by your energy savings. If your energy bills are getting outrageously expensive, consider making these three improvements in your home.
1. Replacing Your Roof
Asphalt roof shingles lose their ability to protect your home over time. As the shingles age, rain and wind can enter your home through the roof. This is where energy loss can occur.
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When you're looking to give your living room a total makeover, going for the rustic look may be just the thing that gives your home a cozy, homey feeling. Whether you're a Little House on the Prairie fan or simply an enthusiast of natural beauty in a home, you will love the new rustic look for your room.
Go Natural
Use raw, natural materials to give your living room a truly rustic look.
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If you want to be prepared for winter weather, stopping drafts is important. One of the areas of your home where you can lose the most energy is damaged windows. The problems can be caused by bad weather stripping, old caulking and damage to the window frame. Missing insulation can also be a cause of problems with the windows in your home. Here are some tips to help you deal with window damage and prepare your home for winter weather:
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Awning-style windows are short, wide windows that open outwards from a top-mounted hinge. The window stops opening mid-way and can stay propped open much like an awning over a front door. Awning windows are often used to highlight static picture windows but this window style is also popular in kitchens above the sink.
If you are considering a replacement window for your kitchen, here are some pros and cons of awning-style windows to consider before meeting with a window installation company.
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