4 Affordable Ways To Reduce Heat Gain And Loss Via Windows

If your windows are causing a lot of heat gain and loss inside the house, you may be wondering what you can do to fix it. You can get new, energy-efficient windows, but there are some more affordable options that can reduce drafts, as well as reduce the light and heat that passes through the window. If you would like to know more, keep reading.

1. Convection Window Film

A convection window film is a type of insulation window film that hinders the direct transfer of heat through the window. Convection works like a stove: the burner heats up, and the cold pan steals the heat until the heat is balanced. Your window does the same thing, but it steals warm air from outside/inside to balance the temperature.

In the winter, this causes drafts inside the house. Each time the warm indoor air touches the window, the cold glass steals some heat, creating a draft. For this reason, convection window film is commonly used in the winter to serve as a barrier between the cold window and the indoor air.

2. Low-E Window Film

Low-E window films are a great option in the summer, but many people use them year-round because they block UV rays. UV rays are notorious for causing skin cancer, but they also cause fabrics to fade. Therefore, if you have a sofa near a window, part of the sofa may fade after being bleached by the UV rays.

Because they block UV rays, low-E window films help reduce heat gain. Best of all, they do it without impacting the amount of visible light. UV light is invisible and doesn't make your home any brighter, so blocking it won't reduce the amount of light.

3. Blackout Film

A blackout film, as the name suggests, fully blocks the window. This is great for people who sleep during the day or live in a bright big city. However, because it blocks the window, it also reduces heat gain in the summer. Blackout films are incredibly effective, but they fully block the view and visible light, making them an unattractive choice for many people.

4. Drapes

Drapes are like blackout films, but they require more work to install. You'll need a curtain rod to support the drapes, but unlike blackout film, you can open and close the drapes at your leisure. Drapes help in the summer and winter.

During hot summer days, keeping your drapes closed reduces the amount of heat and light entering the house. In the winter, a closed drape acts as a barrier between the indoor air and the cold window.

If you are sick of heat gain and heat loss inside your home, check your windows. Even if you have the best HVAC system, your windows may be draining energy. If you would like to know more about insulated window film, contact a provider in your area.
